Anosmia, or loss of the sense of smell is a symptom some Corona patients suffer from. The smell organ is located high in the nasal cavity, when anosmia is involved it suggests upper respiratory infection. Enter Aromatherapy! Inhalation Therapy with Essential Oils is the perfect fit for upper respiratory issues because breathing in aromas is one of the only ways direct contact can be made with the Olafactory Bulb (our smell organ). A variety of natural oils may be beneficial, this natural therapy may turn out to be one of the most useful for sinus conditions.; For more Contact Us
Lavender Essential Oil has long been considered a *"Medicine Chest in a Bottle". Indeed it is highly recommended for use against infectious disease, colds, flu, respiratory complaints. It has anti-se[tic, anti-viral & anti-bacterial properties. Gentle to use * with anti-inflammatory properties, a nice change from the artificial smell of commercial sanitizers, the aroma immediately relaxes as you pour from the bottle. Ideal ingredient in the simple Hand Sanitizer Formula.
RECIPE 2 ounces Aloe Vera Gel 20 to 30 drops Lavender Essential Oil ~Mix together in a 2 oz Bottle ~Shake well before each use Reference . Healing with Aromatherapy by M.Ericksen * Check for allergies before use |