PART 3. - LEG AILMENTS during Pregnancy ~
Leg ailments and hemorrhoids. Weight gain and abdominal pressure due to increased blood volume and the softening effects of progesterone on the venous walls may cause varicose veins, edema, other leg discomforts, and hemorrhoids, particularly in the second trimester. Leg discomforts during pregnancy are also attributed to nutrient deficiencies. A boost in vitamin B-6 is often recommended for varicose veins, edema, and leg cramps. Vitamin E helps prevent varicose veins and blood clots. Garlic cleanses the circulatory system. Sodium helps alleviate leg cramps, as does calcium.
Varicose veins respond well to the toning and astringent properties of cypress (Cupressus sempervirens), geranium, lemon, and lavender oils. Elevating your legs, alternate warm and cool compresses of any combination of these oils to the affected area. Bathe in warm water mixed with 3 drops of cypress and 3 drops of lemon. Using a blend of 7 drops of cypress and 7 drops of lemon mixed with 2 ounces of carrier oil, gently stroke from the feet upward. While massaging, be careful not to apply strong pressure over a varicosity or just below the point at which a varicosity begins.
Edema (fluid retention) of the ankles or legs responds to lavender, geranium, and rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) oils, all of which stimulate the lymphatic system to drain excess fluids from the body Using upward strokes, gently massage a blend of these oils to the feet and ankles. If your feet are hot, tired, or swollen, try tepid-to-cool footbaths with 3 drops of geranium or lemon and 3 drops of lavender. To reduce swelling, sleep with a pillow under your legs, and take afternoon naps with your legs elevated higher than your heart. To strengthen the venous walls, add vitamin C and buckwheat to your diet. Exercise, especially walking and swimming, will stimulate circulation, as will support hose worn on a regular basis. Baths with lemon, mandarin (Citrus reticulata), or other citrus oils contain vitamin C and will provide a mild diuretic action.
Dilated veins that cause swollen anal tissue result from the same conditions that cause varicose veins; they also result from repeated straining to pass stool. The herb nettle leaf (Urtica dioica) can be taken as an infusion or tincture to improve elasticity of the veins and reduce hemorrhoids. Also add oat bran to your breakfast cereal, and be sure to eat plenty of fruit and vegetables. Cool sitz baths with 7 drops of lemon oil will help, as will a follow-up massage using 7 drops of cypress plus 7 drops of lemon oil in 2 ounces of carrier oil.
copyright Marlene Ericksen ©
TO BE CONTINUED IN PART 4. - Insomnia & Sleep during Pregnancy ~ SUBSRIBE TO RSS OR BLOG
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Additional Reading on the Topic of AromaTherapy; Healing with AromaTherapy by Marlene Ericksen
* See Link (Allvoices Article) in an earlier Blog post for:
PART 1, 2 in Pregnancy Series - Preconception & Treating the Discomforts of Pregnancy
Go to; Ericksen's book available as E-book or hard edition
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Additional Reading on the Topic of AromaTherapy; Healing with AromaTherapy by Marlene Ericksen
Go to; Ericksen's book available as E-book or hard edition
copyright Marlene Ericksen ©
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