"It is Estimated that 80% of Women have a displaced uterus."
Modern lifestyles often encourages habits that disconnect one from tuning in to our internal health. It is estimated that 80% of women have a displaced uterus or weak pelvic wall. Some causes can be running on hard surfaces, high impact aerobics, gymnastics, high heel shoes, car accidents, difficult labor, digestive difficulties, constipation, menstruating too soon after giving birth, adhesions after surgery, infections and more more.
Ligaments supporting the uterus may be misaligned
The ligaments supporting the uterus, allow the womb to float in order to accommodate a growing fetus, a full bladder or colon. These ligaments can be stretched and the uterus becomes out of place. When the uterus is misaligned blood and lymph flow can be affected. Constriction leads to lack of delivery of vital nutients to the organ and removal of waste.
Abdominal Massage is helpful for Infertility
Abdominal Massage is often helpful when a women is interested in optimizing her Fertility and in preparation for conception. It is also beneficial in postpartum. To return the womb to balance with proper placement thus increasing vitality to the pelvic region. Proper blood flow and elimination through Lymph Drainage are reestablished.
Men & Women both benefit
Men and women of ALL ages, along with women who do not wish to concieve benefit from Abdominal Therapy. Men with prostate issues, tension in the diaphram, digestive concerns and those wishing to increase thier fertiliy can have increased pelvic vitality.
Care of the pelvic region was once passed down from our Grandmothers. It was understood that this region of the body is the core of much of our Vital Energy. Such Knowledge has been lost in our modern technological society.
Care of the pelvic region was once passed down from our Grandmothers. It was understood that this region of the body is the core of much of our Vital Energy. Such Knowledge has been lost in our modern technological society.
Receiving an Abdominal Massage Therapy Treatment helps relax & loosen muscles that hold and protect core organs. Ligaments that hold the uterus and pelvic wall are guided into alignment, so that function is allowed to return to homeostasis.
Marlene Ericksen combines Pelvic Massage, Maya Abdominal Therapy, Aromatherapy with Manual Lymph Drainage for a unique treatment not offered elsewhere.
As a Registered Herbalist with the prestigious American Herbalist Guild, she is also qualified to help he individual or couple wishing to conceive with Fertility Consultations. These consultations include recommendations of Botanical Supplements & Food Nutrients. Special Natural Substances that have been known through the ages to to aid in Fertility and in the balance of both Female and male Reproductive Systems.
As a Registered Herbalist with the prestigious American Herbalist Guild, she is also qualified to help he individual or couple wishing to conceive with Fertility Consultations. These consultations include recommendations of Botanical Supplements & Food Nutrients. Special Natural Substances that have been known through the ages to to aid in Fertility and in the balance of both Female and male Reproductive Systems.